Monday, October 26, 2009

Hogwarts Musical

A few months back I was asked to do the script for the Ward Road Show.  We decided to merge High School Musical and Harry Potter for Hogwarts Musical.  The requirements were that each ward only had 10 minutes and we had to cover a theme from the For the Strength of Youth Pamphlet.  I think ours turned out really well.  Unfortunately, the stake did not have a sound system other than two microphones which were sorely inadequate for a Stake Center with over 400 audience members.  We were only half way back in the crowd and couldn't hear anything.  I was a bit upset afterwards at not getting to finally see and hear my "baby" performed.  Fortunately, the Bishop decided to have them re-perform it for the ward before the Trunk or Treat this Saturday so I'll be able to see it finally.  I kept the script hush-hush before the performance but here it is below now that they have already performed for the stake.

I would like to commend the young men and young women from the ward.  They did a great job.  Their dance routine was great.  One of the young women brought a young man from school to portray Troy and he looked the part and did an excellent job.  The sets and costumes were also very well done.  Their leaders and the ward road show coordinators should be commended for doing such a great job helping to put the show together.  I can't wait to see it (and hear it) on Saturday.

Hogwarts Musical

The set: I imagine something of a divided set. One side is left dark while the other is in use. On the right side we have Bishop Dumbldore’s office where the Hogwarts Youth Counsel is taking place. On the left, divided by a curtain or moveable wall is where the three flashback sequences will take place.


(Begin with the Harry Potter Music Box Theme) If someone can play this on a keyboard with a music box sound it might be fun to play it slightly off key as if to foreshadow that things are not quite right with this skit.

Deep Voice Over Begins: We now join Bishop Dumbledore and the Hogwarts Youth Counsel.

Light slowly comes up and illuminates the Bishop’s office where are seated eight youth around his desk. The four Hogwarts youth, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood along with Bishop Dumbledoor are wearing traditional Hogwarts robes/uniforms. The four others are wearing clothes from the characters of High School Musical.

Bishop Dumbledore: Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna it is good to see you back at Hogwarts this term. I would like you to meet our two new exchange students from East High, Gabriella Montaz, Troy Bolton, Sharpay Evans, and Kelsi Nielson.

Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, and Kelsi (dressed in outfits they wore in the original high school musical and looking hyperactive)get up and start singing the primary “Hello” song. They are shaking each-others hands and over acting like they are playing to an audience that isn’t really there. Perhaps Sharpay could be using a tambourine that she produces from nowhere and Kelsi could have a super small portable toy keyboard that she starts playing. The other Hogwarts students look at them like they are crazy.

Bishop Dumbledoor interrupts them by clearing his throat.

Bishop Dumbledoor: Please sit down. I see our group is one short. Has anyone seen Brother Potter?

Ron Weasley looking sad: Bishop, that’s one of the things we wanted to talk to you about. Harry’s gone a bit off the rails.

Bishop Dumbledoor: What do you mean?

Hermione: Well you see Bishop, Harry has been acting strange lately, making some bad choices and we don’t know what to do. His head just isn’t in his school work or on the gospel.

Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, and Kelsi Begin singing “Get Your Head in the Game”
Lyrics from “Get Your Head in the Game” from High School Musical:
Just keep you head in the game
You gotta get your head in the game
We gotta get our, get our, get our get our head in the game
You gotta get your, get your head in the game
We gotta get our, get our, get our, get our head in the game
You gotta get your, get your head in the game
We gotta get our, get our, get our, get our head in the game

Bishop Dumbledoor: (Bishop cuts off their singing) Please, sit down. We need to focus on Harry. (Others in meeting stare at them funny and shake their heads. Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, and Kelsi seem confused as they sit down.)
Why don’t you tell me exactly what is going on.

Neville: Well bishop, Harry’s been making some really bad choices. He hasn’t been attending early morning seminary. Dobbie the House Elf has seen him pitching knuts, shaving Filch’s cat, and betting on Quidditch matches.

Bishop Dumbledoor (with a shocked look on his face): Not our Harry?

Hermione: It’s true bishop, just the other day Hagrid saw him down by the Quiditch field.

The lights and volume fade away from Bishop Dumbledoor’s office and begins to brighten in the scene for flashback number 1.

Begin Flashback #1 (Sunday Quiditch)
Scene: Harry and Draco Malfoy come skidding in on their broomstick nearly hitting poor old Hagrid. Whooping it up the whole way like they are having a great time.

Hagrid: Harry is that you? Ya nearly knocked me over, is something the matter? Should I run get some help?!?!

Harry: Nothing’s the matter. Draco and I were just out playing a little Quiditch.

A bludger ball comes flying through the scene.

Draco: (Yells over his shoulder) Crab, I thought I told you to pick those up. (Looking at Harry Arrogantly) I swear, it’s hard to find good help these days.

Hagrid: But Harry, I didn’t think you played Quiditch on the Sabbath? (Acts very surprised)

Harry: It’s alright Hagrid, after all the big match is tomorrow and I needed some extra time getting used to my new Firebolt Elite Series Broom. Thankfully my friend Draco was able to give me some pointers on it.

Hagrid: Draco is giving you pointers I see(as if it hasn’t dawned on him how crazy that sounds). DRACO IS GIVING YOU POINTERS??!?!?!?!(Hagrid says this shocked and louder than the first statement)
Don’t you think it would be better to attend your church meetings? After all, you are the Priest’s Quorum 1st Assistant.

(A bludger ball flies by and nails poor Hagrid)

Draco: (Yells to the back of the set) Good one Crab (laughing) Let’s get out of here Potter, I’ve got a terrible thirst.

Harry: Sorry Hagrid, I’ve gotta run. We’re headed down to the Three Broom Sticks, I’m buying drinks for Slitherin’s Quiditch team. See you later….

(As Harry Turns to kick off into the sky the set lights fade to black and fade up to Bishop Dumbledoor’s Office)

Bishop Dumbledoor: I see…. that is troubling. Playing Quiditch on the Sabbath, skipping church, and spending money down in Hogsmeade. (shakes head) My, my it sounds as if Harry feels he is trying to break free from what he knows to be good and true.

Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, and Kelsi Begin Singing: “Breaking Free” from High School Musical.

Lyrics of “Breaking Free” From High School Musical

Chorus #1
We’re breakin’ free
We’re soarin’
There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach
If we’re trying
Yeah, we’re breaking free
Oh, we’re breakin’ free

Bishop Dumbledoor: Please sit down! (With exasperation in his voice):
Troy and Gabriella sit down deflated and fustrated.

Neville: What is wrong with you two? Are you under some sort of spell?

Bishop Dumbledoor: Now, now Neville, Troy and Gabriella are just not accustomed to how we do things here at Hogwarts. What they are doing may seem perfectly normal at their old school.

Neville: I’m sorry bishop, sorry Troy, sorry Gabriella, but I’m really concerned about Harry.

Luna: Harry has been doing many strange things lately, he even said he doesn’t believe in Nargles or Moon Frogs anymore. (in her usual spacey voice looking off into the distance)

(Others Stare At Luna Like she is nuts also)

Ron Weasley: Bishop, as you know Harry is my best friend but just last Friday afternoon Seamas Finnigan saw Harry at a party……

Begin fade ou of lightst and Flashback #2:

Begin Flashback #2 (The Party)
(Techno Music Begins Playing as the lights come up. There’s a DJ pretending to mix music using strange kitchen utensils (such as a crank egg beater) on a turn table. Harry is standing next to Draco, Jenny Weasley is holding onto his arm. Harry is wearing ridiculously short robes as the lights come up. There’s a disco ball, lazer lights, and anything else we can afford or scrounge for props to make it look like dance club/party. The music goes softer as the characters start to talk. Professor Severus Snape (Dance Chaperone) walks in scowling like usual and goes up to Harry.

Snape: Mr. Potter…. I see you are involved with a better class of associates these days. Perhaps…there is hope for you yet. (Without waiting for a reply from Harry he walks to the back of the room where he stiffly stands against the wall scowling at the partyiers.)

Draco: Great fiesta Potter. You’ve really outdone yourself this time.

Ginny Weasley: You know my man. By the way Harry, I love your new robes, they are super cool!

(Up walks Harry’s friends Seamas Finnigan and Cho Chang)

Seamas: Hey Harry, how’s it going. Is something wrong with your robes?

Harry: These? I picked them up at Verycrummy and Filch on my last trip to Knockturn Alley. Technically they’re not approved for school use but, hey…. were not in school right! (Harry winks to Seamas)

Seamus: (Hesitantly) Yea uh, not in school….

Cho Chang: They look like they’ve been mangled by some sort of spell that backfired.

Harry: (cuts her off and turns attention to Seamus) Hope your not sore about me and Ginny being exclusive these days. I know you had your eye on her last term. (Ginny lays her head on Harry’s shoulder, Harry gives Seamus a wink)

Seamas: No worries, wasn’t looking for something exclusive at this point in my life. Prefer to do group dating until I’m back from my mission. I’m a little bit surprised Harry, I didn’t think you were into single dating?

Harry: That was the old me. I’m actually having fun now instead of worrying about “You Know Who” all the time (Harry makes the quotation marks in the air with his fingers). Have you heard the latest from the Screaming Banshees? It’s on my I Pod. I’ll have the DJ play it.

(Harry takes it over to the DJ who puts it on. Immediately a chorus of screeching banshees accompanied by a clanking noise begins playing. The lyrics are muffled and not able to be understood but there is a technobeat to it so it can be danced to)

Harry: So what do ya think? (Harry’s dancing the Cabage Patch to the music. ( this link can be used to learn the Cabage Patch dance)

(Snape puts his hand on his head like he is getting a headache and rolls his eyes)

Seamus: All I can hear is screeching, foul language, and too much cow bell. (covers his ears and scrunches his face)

Cho Chang: (also covering her ears) Way too much cow bell!

Harry: Yea, it’s the uncensored cut. Draco knows a guy that hooked me up with a bootleg copy off the web. (Yells to the rest of the room) Let’s get this party going!
(Everyone Else Cheers as They Start Dancing)
(Everyone spreads out onto the dance floor, dancing to the music as the lights fade out. Snape continues glaring during the fade out)

Light Fades out of Flashback and back into Bishop Dumbledoors Office

Hermione: Harry was supposed to have been studying with Ron and I that night. He blew us off for that party.

Bishop Dumbledoor: Short robes, single dating, and inappropriate music pirated off the web? This certainly is serious.

Luna: (in her spacey voice)Pirates aren’t all bad you know. Captain Jack Sparrow I hear is quite the gentleman.

(Everyone stares at her funny again)

Ron: Well you don’t have to worry about him single dating Ginny anymore. Mom reminded her that she isn’t 16 yet and can’t be doing that. She promised she’d stop.

Neville: But I don’t think Harry will stop unless we do something?!?!?

Bishop Dumbledoor: I am very happy to see you all so concerned with one of your fellow members. I need your help to get Harry back on the strait and narrow. He who must not be named has a great desire to destroy Harry and if we do not help Harry see the need to change his ways, I fear we may lose him forever. It is not something I can do alone. You are all his friends. As he sees the genuine love, fellowship and concern that you have for him, I feel it will make all the difference. If you stay true to the correct path and be an example, perhaps it will help him to realize where true happiness is found. But remember, your greatest strength is in working with each other. We are all in this together.

Troy and Gabriella start twitching nervously as if they are beginning to lose control of their bodies. Everyone stares at them like they are going mad.

Bishop Dumbledoor: Do you two have something to say?

Finally unable to contain it any longer they stand up and start singing a new version of “We’re All In This Together” with lyrics changed to suit the current situation. The lights come up as well as the curtain dividing the office from the area where the flashback scenes took place. Everyone joins in singing to Harry who joins in singing with the rest of them. There should probably be some choreographed dance routine with all the folks.

Lyrics from “We’re All In This Together” from High School Musical (I’ve altered some lyrics already. Those I changed are in bold type.)

Together, together, together everyone
Together, together, come on lets help someone
Together, were there for each other every time
Together together come on lets choose the right

Here and now its time for celebration
I finally figured it out (yeah yeah)
That all our friends have no limitations
That's what its all about(yeah yeah)

Everyone is special in the Lord’s own way
The Lord makes each one strong (He makes each one strong)
Were not the same
Were different in a good way
Together's where we belong

We're all in this together
Once we know
That we are
We're all stars
And we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand
Hand in hand
Make eternity come true

Together, together, together everyone
Together, together, come on lets help someone
Together, were there for each other every time
Together together come on lets choose the right

We're all here
and speaking out with one voice
we're going to rock the house (YEAH YEAH!)
the party's on now everybody make some noise
come on scream and shout

We've arrived because we chose the right
Champions one and all

We're all in this together
Once we know
That we are
We're all stars
And we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand
Hand in hand
Make eternity come true

We're all in this together
When we reach
We can fly
Know inside
We can make it
We're all in this together
Once we see
There’s a chance
That we have
And we take it

Hogwarts sing along
Yeah, you really got it goin' on
Hogwarts in the house
Everybody say it now
Hogwarts everywhere
Wave your hands up in the air
That's the way we do it
Lets get to it
Time to show the world

We're all in this together
Once we know
That we are
We're all stars
And we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand
Hand in hand
Make our dreams come true

We're all in this together
When we reach
We can fly
Know inside
We can make it
We're all in this together
Once we see
Theres a chance
That we have
And we take it

Hogwarts everywhere
Wave your hands up in the air
That's the way we do it
Let's get to it
Come on everyone!

Heritage Foundation Article on Prop 8 Fallout On Mormons

This is a great article listing the systematic payback that some have taken against Mormons in regards to Proposition 8 in California which defined marriage once again as being between one man and one woman.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Safety First!

I think Doc Raber is related to this guy!

Friday, October 9, 2009

The True Dangers of Video Game Violence

Now for something completely serious! Violent video games and your children are a dangerous combo. Please be sure you know what your kids are playing. Special thanks to Ray for providing a link to this PSA on violence in video games.