Wednesday, May 26, 2010

John Moses Browning

John Moses Browning was probably the greatest firearms designer in the history of the world.  Here's a documentary I watched on the BYU channel recently that tells about his life and his creations.  The video is hosted by the late, great Fess Parker who was a proud supporter of the NRA and the second amendment.  The video is put out by the LDS Lives series on the BYU channel.  It's an older documentary but it's a winner!
John Browning Video

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Jack Bauer Interogates Santa

I'm a junkie when it comes to Fox's series 24 and will really miss it after the final episode in a few weeks.  Kiefer Southerland has done a fantastic job portraying Jack Bauer.  Jack Bauer is the type of guy that I hope makes up a chunk of our government agents that protect us every day.  He's tenacious and hates coruption.  He's relentless in trying to stop the bad guys.  In the end though, he just wants to be left alone with his loved ones.  His patriotism is only matched by his compassion for the victims of evil.  This video clip of one of his interrogations tells the story of Jack Bauer.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Tale of Two Americas

Sometimes it is too easy to focus on the bad in our country.  We see the media splashed with the celebrities acting badly, politicians acting in their own self interest to gain power, and greedy Wallstreet thieves stealing money from people.  But that really isn't America.  The media would like you to think they are but normal folks are doing the good work each day that really is what this country is all about.  Click on the link and enjoy a few minutes of inspiring stories about people who are making a difference in the lives of others with no expectation of reward, without government funding, and without any fanfare.  This is what makes America great.

A Tale of Two Americas Video

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Chicago Politicians Are Stupid

Chicago Pols Want National Guard to Fight Violent Crime

There should be no violent crime in Chicago.  The city banned handguns and is currently fighting in the Supreme Court to keep that ban.  They've had it for years yet the shootings keep happening.  Illinois is one of only two states that does not allow for any sort of concealed carry of handguns by law abiding citizens.  So why do they need the National Guard.  Simple, the crooks know that there is no one that can stop them.  The police have no obligation or requirement to protect the public as confirmed by the court case Warren vs. District of Columbia.  Warren vs DC Info  There are too few cops to do the job anyway.  Criminals are basically lazy and cowards.  They choose the weakest to prey on.  Women, children, the infirm, the weak, the small, and the elderly.  They choose locations that offer the easiest pickings.  Dark areas, off the beaten path where they won't be seen.  They want victims that can't fight back because it is easier.  So naturally crime is high in areas where the average, law abiding citizen is stripped of any means to protect themselves.  The criminal doesn't care that there is a ban on firearms.  He welcomes it because he doesn't care about the ban but he knows that the law abiding will follow the rules.  It makes the criminal's job easier.  Ever wonder why places like gun stores, shooting ranges, police stations, or Texas are almost never the locations of mass shootings in the last 10 years but gun free places like schools, malls, churches, office buildings and other places where guns are prohibited seem to get all the mass murders?  Simple, those gun free zones make for easy targets.  Like Lions on the plains of Africa, the predators that would kill our families and friends go to where the easiest prey can be found.  Where they can do their evil without fear of any meaningful resistance.  Gun bans are a criminals best friend.

Frack You Liberal Facists!

Students Sent Home For Wearing American Flag T Shirt

Five Morgan Hill, CA High School Students were sent home for wearing American Flag T Shirts to school.  Of course no students who wore Mexican Flag shirts were sent home or asked to turn them inside out. 

I love this quote:  "I think they should apologize cause it is a Mexican Heritage Day," Annicia Nunez, a Live Oak High student, said. "We don't deserve to be get disrespected like that. We wouldn't do that on Fourth of July."

Are you fracking kidding me?!?!?!? This is the United States of America dumba*&!  Or maybe it's not anymore.  In my opinion the school principal should be ejected from his job immediately.  I'm sick and tired of this liberal facist crapola!