Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Holidays Are Here Again......

It's the most horrible time of the year!!!

Yep, if Scrooge and the Grinch had a kid together it would be me.  I just can't stand the holiday season.  No matter how hard I try I just can't seem to enjoy it.  I try and try and try but it just seems like everything goes to heck in a handbasket.

Take this last weekend.  I was supposed to be enjoying some nice time at the parents ranch in the hills.  The nights were cold but the days were beautiful.  It was a great opportunity to have some fun except.....

I spent part of my free time chasing cows that escaped and cancelled the rest when my kid cut his leg open needing stitches.  He did this jumping on the couch after he was told multiple times to stop.  I ended up going home early and instead of having some good family fun I was just tired and mad.

Work itself becomes more hectic as I try to finish up everything that needs to be done by year end.  Then there's the company Christmas party that I would rather not attend because a party at work feels like work not fun.  There's always one or two employees who complain about the party afterwards.  They either didn't like the food or thought the awards were lame or hated the gift they recieved.  It's enough to make one long for the days when you could still beat your employees.

I also get to look forward to a large pile of work after the holiday when the year ends and taxes start up.  This year I also had the wonderful opportunity to begin working on insurance renewals and quotes because my insurance company decided to move up their renewal date.  Thanks guys!

Then there's the whole let down of Christmas day.  The kids are wild and whiney, I rarely get anything I want or need, spend all day puting stuff together that was never assembled when it was packaged in China, have to pick up a bunch of paper and boxes, and on top of all that get to go to church this year because Christmas is on Sunday.  Yea!!! I get to put on a coat and tie!!!!!  Whoever invented coats and ties should be shot.  Why can't I just go dressed in something comfortable??????

Then as soon as it's over I have to go take down the stupid lights and outdoor decorations.  That will take a lot of time that I would prefer to spend doing almost anything else.  I hate going up and down the ladder, hour after hour to take down lights that the kids quit appreciating weeks ago.

If I didn't have kids I think I would skip the whole thing.  Really, if it weren't for them I wouldn't even bother.  Each holiday season I remember why people drink around this time of year and secretly wish I wasn't Mormon and could go through this horrible experience with the sweet numbing sensation brought on by cheap whisky.