Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Music Videos, Literally

Ever since video killed the radio star, we have been blessed (or cursed) with a steady stream of nonesense on the television set to popular tunes. Nothing used to fustrate the heck out of me like watching a music video and trying to figure out what the heck it had to do with the lyrics of the song. I can only think of a handful of music videos that actually are related to the songs they were made for. Well I guess I wasn't the only one to notice this phenomena and some enterprising folks have put together "Music Videos Literally".

These enterprising folks took the original music videos and music but substituted new lyrics to actually go along with the video. The results are pretty funny. I've included some of my favorites below for your amusement.

There are others on Youtube but these are a few of my favorites. Some folks have tried to do these but the audio quality is poor or the singing voices with the new lyrics are way, way off. I hope you enjoyed Music Videos Literally.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I am sorry by there was something just a little hot about Elvira.
from adam