Monday, January 25, 2010

Really, Really Bad Inventions

There are some things in life that don't need to be invented.  The Chia Pet is one of them.  Why would I want to grow grass on a novelty ceramic pot.  Someone obviously does because they sell enough of them to advertise.  But there are other inventions that have left me wondering aloud, "WHY!??!"
I remember a few years ago someone invented a harness with bottles on it so guys could "nurse" a baby.  I don't know any guy that would wear one of these.  The pet rock is another one that I cannot believe people bought.  It's a rock, go outside and get one if you really want one.  Please don't pay for a rock and call it a pet!!!  Also bad is toilet paper with people's pictures on each sheet.  Unless it is someone you dislike why would you do this.  Do you really want to wipe with a picture of your family?

Dolphin Free Tuna is another one that bothers me.  Do they mean to imply that the tuna I used to eat contained Dolphin?  I hear Dolphin is expensive so by purchasing Dolphin free tuna am I actually getting less value in each can?

Another one that I don't get is Bikini swimsuits for fat people.  Dude, do we really want to see that, ever???

Then there are just some inventions that seem reasonable but don't when you think that you could save the money and use something else.  The SHAMWOW looks cool but when I clean up spills or wash my car, I'd rather reach for an old towel I was going to throw out anyway.  I have kids and the last thing I want to do is wash out the SHAMWOW after using it to clean up throwup or worse.  And what if I spilled gasoline or something else flamable.  I don't think I want to throw that in the washing machine afterwards.

The Clapper was one of those inventions that looked cool but in reality, didn't perform as advertised.  When my wife and I were first married we got one.  Except the T.V. would turn itself off whenever there was a series of loud noises.  Then sometimes it wouldn't turn off at all which meant I had to get up anyway.  Yet someone made millions off The Clapper.

So what are some of the inventions or products that make you scratch your head?


Anonymous said...

Dude really? Dolphin free tuna means that the fishermen are extra careful not to harm dolphins when fishing for tuna. That dolphins won't get stuck in their nets and die.

The Duke of Stratford said...

Please buy a dictionary and look up the definition for "satire".