Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ninjas and Air Guitar

Anyone who lived through the 80s remembers that there were two things that were extremely popular.  Air guitar and Ninjas.  Now someone figured out that if you armed ninjas with real guitars it would be extremely awsome!  I do miss the 80s sometimes except for the super huge cell phones and the leader of Russian who spilled the Cherry CoolAid on his head causing a permanent stain.


Stephanie :) said...

That's pretty awesome. Are you getting that poster so you can hang it in your man room?

The Duke of Stratford said...

Either that one or one of Barney Stintson. That guy is awsome! If I got both the room probably would be just too awsome and I wouldn't be able to go in there anymore for fear that the awsomeness might cause me to burst into flames.

Stephanie :) said...

Josh does a mean impression of Barney Stintson. Did you see that pic on my blog? I'm sure you could cut me out, and blow it up to poster size. :)