Friday, June 4, 2010

Stuff My Kids Ruined

I can't have nice things.  It is this way because I have small children.  Last night as I was getting ready for bed I noticed that one of the little heathens took a cup of yogurt and threw it at the back door and then smeared it all over.  The half empty container lay on the carpet in a puddle of pink goo.

We recently got a couch off of Craigs list.  I don't have any desire to get a nice new one for them to destroy.  Same goes for our ancient carpet that looks simply horrible.  Why get new carpet for them to destroy.  I just hope the house holds up long enough to get them to adulthood so that we can then begin the process of fixing it.  I used to have all sorts of great plans for the house and was going room to room painting and making things nice.  Why paint when they will just use markers and crayons to ruin a couple days of work in a matter of moments.

I used to think I was alone in this madness until I found this website:  Sh$* My Kids Ruined

17+ Pages and growing of pictures of other stuff ruined by kids.  Enjoy


Kris Orton said...

I love this website!!!Where was it when my kids were little. In fact my parents probably could have used it too.(for my brother of course-not me:-)Ha Ha! You have to have a sense of humor-right? If not you will never survive being a parent(or spouse)
But I do remember making my mom cry when my brother and I were horsing around and I landed on the coffee table that my dad had made for her and broke it. I felt really bad.

amanda weichers said...

I was laughing so hard when I saw this website. The best is the expensive car that was crashed into the garage door.