Monday, November 7, 2011


Dedication that's what that is!  When you're willing to fork over the high price for California Vanity Plates year after year you must be a true believer.  This is a real license plate picture that I took with my cell phone camera recently as I drove to a meeting in California.  I won't even put a bumper sticker for a candidate on my vehicle let alone consider doing something like this.  Frankly, there isn't a person in the whole world other than my wife and kids whose name I might consider puting on my vehicle.

It's like getting a tattoo with someone's name.  I wouldn't do it not because if it didn't work out I'd be stuck with it but because I just am not that emotionally invested I guess to put a permanent mark on my body.  Same goes for my vehicle.  What makes this picture particularly funny is that most people I know that voted for Obama the last time around aren't in a hurry to advertise that now with the lackluster economy and jobless rates.  I guess their hope and change has just turned into hoping that no one remembers they supported that guy.

In a way though I am a little impressed with the guy with the Obama vanity plates.  That is extreme dedication to his cause.  There are only a few other people in history that have shown that type of resolve.  Hannibal as he crossed the alps riding elephants is one that comes to mind.  I don't think elephants are too fond of snow but he still pushed on.  Hitler refusing to surrender even with the Soviets in Berlin is another example of dedication.  There's a guy that lives in the desert that still insists the moon landing was faked and the earth is really flat.  He doesn't care what evidence he sees to the contrary.  That's dedication!

Of course going to a football game for a losing team in freezing weather and staying till the final whistle after watching the slaughter might also be a form of crazed dedication.  So it's good that I don't know anyone personally who did that on Saturday night starting at 7pm with three cold and cranky kids in tow while their team lost by over 25 points.  Just like those Obama voters from last time around, I'd like everyone to forget the guy that stayed long past the other 95% of the people in the stadium.

And that huge number of people in the stands was at the beginning of the game!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Um ...ya that would be you at the football game and you draged us along T_T