Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I Want to Go to War

All these protest targeting our churches and temples, the hateful and bigoted words tossed at the saints, and the vandalism to our buildings makes me angry, very angry. Growing up in California I have heard some anti Mormon things but never anything this bad. There are some really nasty people out there.

I was reminded today of a talk for the last conference by Elder Robert D. Hales entitled Christian Courage: The Price of Discipleship.,5232,23-1-947-22,00.html

After reading this I felt the comforting warmth of the spirit. It is marvelous not to be filled with hatred and anger. I feel a great sorrow for those who are so consumed with rage and vile. Such feelings are the very opposite of the feelings that we receive from the Savior. How sad that not all our Heavenly Fathers children are blessed to feel the joy and peace that come from following his commandments.

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