Thursday, March 26, 2009

Accepting the Lord's Will

He is in control. Every time I feel like I am in control, He sends me some challenge (really an opportunity) to teach me that I am not really in control. It can be very frustrating in these difficult times to turn things over to the Lord.

Currently we are facing a massive drought, failing dairies due to milk prices below break even, little credit availability, and falling prices for all farm products. All of these local challenges tied together with the national economy have created the perfect storm. Any one of those individually would be a tough challenge but all together and the mountain seems insurmountable. In some communities in our area, unemployment is approaching 50% and it is certain there will be little if any bailout money from the government for them.

The last couple months I have pleaded with the Lord to please send the rains, please send us the relief from the drought that we need so desperately. I prayed in my home, in my car, and in the Temple for rain and snow. In February we received some rain, a welcome blessing but inexplicably the tap was shut off in March.

There is great fear and anxiety in our area. Many are without work and those with a job have faced extreme cutbacks in hours or are in fear that there job may not be around much longer. I don't know why the Lord has seen fit to allow this drought to continue or all the other challenges. Our prayers for rain and snow to fill our reservoirs were sincere and in faith. What we asked for was in righteousness and certainly within his power to give yet the heavens stayed silent.

Recently, though, my prayers have changed. They have taken on a tone less of pleading and more of acceptance. One simple phrase has become more common but one that has been difficult to come off my tongue. "Thy will be done." Four simple words that have not been easy to say. Because as I say them the thoughts run through my mind of change and upheaval, hardships for my family, and having to start over again. Obviously every worse case scenario I can imagine as the father and husband of a family. My mind then goes to the suffering of the other families that have come to rely on our business. All have worked so hard to move things forward. There is no lack of effort that is causing their woes.

But there is strength and peace to be found when turning it over to the Lord. It is not easy say to the Lord in humility, "I have done all I can do, I can do no more. I leave the rest in your hands. Thy will be done. No matter what happens I will still follow You. I know that You have a plan for me. You know the end from the beginning and where this journey will lead. And I will be the better for it." When we turn it over to Him, then we can experience the peace and love of our Father. It is a feeling of security that no hollow promise of government can deliver.

In those moments of silence, His voice speaks to our souls, "Peace My child, you are not forgotten or neglected. I have heard your cries and although things may seem dark now, I am always with you. I will pick you up when you fall. Just look to Me and I will be there. All this will be for your good if you will look to Me to be your anchor on the storm tossed seas."

No hollow promise of the world or politicians can deliver that. No scandal plagued bailout can chase away the darkness and the fear. Only when we look to the Lord can we find the peace that we need to weather the storm but only if we are ready to accept His will for each of us.

I know all will be fine if I put my trust in the Lord. I do not know how long or difficult the road ahead will be. All I can do is count my blessings, continue pushing forward and doing my best, and have faith that things will turn around. And if they do not turn around, I have faith that the Lord has a plan for my family and it will all work out in the end.

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