Thursday, June 11, 2009

And just where do you think that Big Mac Came From?

Sometimes I wonder what people are thinking. If it's meat some animal had to die. That's just life. I was reminded of the old saying when it comes to bacon and eggs for breakfast the chicken participates but the pig is committed.

Up until about 50 years ago, nearly every American child either grew up on a farm or spent some time on one because they had a close relative who was a farmer. They understood where their food and fiber comes from. Now most people get their food at the grocery store and have no clue where it comes from. They demand laws to make sure the animals that make up their food supply are free range and "happy" out of some guilt complex because they are too chicken (pardon the pun) to spend a day actually figuring out where those chicken nuggets come from.

People eat meat and there is nothing wrong with that. I do find it hypocritical though when someone says they are against hunting and want it outlawed while scarfing down another extra beefy burrito.

I find it extra disconcerting during these perilous economic times. During the great depression, most folks still lived on farms and even though they had almost no money, they had food to eat. What happens now if the unemployement reaches the depression levels? Could folks bring themselves to take the life of an animal to feed their family or would they sit by and let them starve?

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