Monday, December 14, 2009

Second Hand Stuff

Well we have a second hand television, a second hand couch, second hand kitchen table, and most of our clothes are second hand.  We take great pride in our second hand household items.  Especially in this economy it's good to have the attitude that second hand is a great way to go.  It saves money and is less wasteful.  Second hand was the original eco friendly recycling model!

So what else could we get second hand?

How about a second hand dog?  I think he prefers the term "Previously Owned".

A guy in our ward was moving due to his employment situation.  He needed a good home for this fella that he has had since he was a puppy.  His name is Kirby and Anne likes to call him Kirby the Wonder Puppy.  He is older but in great shape, not too many miles on him.  Part Beagle and part Dachshund which means that this one of Snoopy's cousins may have flown for the Germans!  LOL!  He has a super sweet disposition and is great with the kids.  He has a lot of energy which means the kids can chase him around all day long.  After we lost our two Scotties to old age this last year I was reluctant to get a new dog but this "previously owned pup" seems to be a winner.

Plus he seems to have some training.  One of the kids told him to sit for the picture and he did!  So a big welcome to Kirby the Wonder Dog.


Kris Orton said...

Welcome Kirby!!!!!

Clinton said...

It is a mini Charlie!!!!!! I can't wait for Charlie and his Mini-Me to play :)