Friday, June 3, 2011

Papa Smurf is a Nazi?

Papa Smurf Nazi Article

According to the above article, Papa Smurf is a Nazi.  Yes the lovable patriarch of the Smurf clan is really a jack booted thug bent on destroying the Jewish wizard Gargamel.  Really????  The middle east is burning, the world is in a financial mess, and some folks really think this is important?!?!?!?!

So to spare anyone else the time and effort of identifying other dubious cartoon characters and their evil intentions I've decided to list a few below.

Yosemite Sam:  Obviously a racist, southern Klansman and NRA member.  He should be banned from television immediately.

Road Runner:  Elitist with special privileges (aka speed) who uses his unfair advantage to deny food to poor Wiley Coyote.

Elmer Fudd:  White, racist gun nut.  Like Yosemite Sam but without the anger management issues.

He-Man:  Obviously another sexist white man with racist issues.  He forces Skeletor to live in dingy castle to deal with his anorexia alone while as the prince of the kingdom, He Man runs around oppressing him.

Scooby Doo:  Obviously makes fun of black people.  He has a funny name just like some black people named Lafanda, Bonifa, and Antwon.  He also talks funny (Ebonics).  He's a coward also and has to be bribed with food like fried chicken and watermelon.  Notice the rich white devil Freddy is in charge with his white devil girl friend Daffney.  Shaggy is obviously the poor white trash forced to live with the poor black Scooby.

Transformers:  Obviously homophobic.  The transformers can change their appearance just like transsexuals and other transgendered people.  They also are from another planet so they are illegal aliens.  Notice how the Autobots who want to play by the rules are the good guys and the other illegal aliens, the Decepticons, are given a sinister sounding name and oppressed by the good guys.  Their colors, voices, and even the vehicles they turn into are more sinister than the ones for the Autobots.  This show just screams Xenophobia.

GI-Joe:  The name alone is sexist.  And the show only has like two or three good female soldiers.  The strongest female character in the show is evil, The Baroness, and has a thickly German accent suggesting that strong women are evil Nazis and good women are submissive, pretty lower ranking soldiers like Scarlett and Lady Jane.  Just sickening the misogyny going on in GI-Joe.  Plus they are a bunch of gun toting, oppressive, military nuts going after a poor skinny guy with a lisp called Cobra Commander.  Just because the guy has a lisp is no reason to make snake jokes.  So it is also making fun of the disabled.

Land of the Lost:  While not a cartoon it is one of the other things I watched growing up and it is obviously racist and sexist.  All white guys in charge and the monkey like creatures are obviously making fun of Barack Obama.  They also speak Ebonics further making fun of black people.  The one girl on the show, Holly, is your typical helpless female who constantly needs to be saved.  Racist and sexist.

Madeline:  Based on the children's book it is about a little white girl in an elitist private school.  Obviously racist and making fun of the poor.  Shameful.

I'm sure there are others out there.  Feel free to point them out in the comments section so we can be sure to save the world from their evil ways.  We must force them to join the ranks of evil Little Black Sambo, Golliwogs, and TinTin in the Congo to be only spoken of in the darkness in hushed tones.  Burn them all!!!

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