Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I'M SHOCKED!!!! Really?

I'm shocked!  It seems this set of words is used too frequently anymore.  The latest involved the death of drug queen Amy Winehouse.  The headline announcing her death was humorous.  It stated, "Friends and Family Shocked".  Really?  They were shocked to learn that the woman who blew through drugs by the tractor trailer load ended up dead?

How about the people that are shocked when Lindsay Lohan ends up in jail.

Or the people that are shocked by another celebrity marriage falling apart.

Or the shock caused by finding out that another politician is cheating on his wife.

Or the shock caused by finding out that another politician is corrupt.

Or the shock from finding out a particular government agency or program was rife with waste, fraud, and corruption.

Really?  Are we that shocked anymore or were the signs there all along.

I remember during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina when the government handed out debit cards to those who were displaced.  Soon the reports came in about "refugees" reportedly buying things like large screen televisions and liquor.  Folks were shocked to hear this.  Really?  Did you see the looting going on in New Orleans?  Even the police were getting in on the action. 

I think what would be shocking is seeing the exact opposite of what we expect to happen.  Like if Amy Winehouse lived to be 100 or a celebrity marriage actually lasted an entire lifetime.  That would be shocking.  But the utter corruption, decadence and decay in society is only shocking anymore if you've been living under a rock.


Anonymous said...

I honestly was shocked to learn that Amy Winehouse was only 27. From the photos I've seen without all the hair and makeup treatment, I would have guessed late 40's. All the drugs sure took their toll on her physical appearance.

- Todd aka Roper

The Duke of Stratford said...
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The Duke of Stratford said...

Yes the drugs did age her. She was an incredible singer and when she just got started she was very pretty. That was before the drugs blew her life out. Sad but not shocking.