Thursday, December 9, 2010

No Room at the Inn and No Well to Draw Water From

Well first there was no room at the inn for Mary to give birth and now I find out that there was no well for her to get water from to quench her thirst.  Really, where was Bethleham's Legal Aid Lawyers that first Christmas.  If there was ever a reason to have a lawsuit this was it.

Some might ask how I know there was no well for the that first Christmas.  That's an excellent question.  I learned this from my local newspaper, the Hanford Sentinel when it provided a lovely Holiday Song Book with the Newspaper this week.  When I opened it up not only did I find some lovely sheet music for holiday songs but I also learned something too!  There was no water in Bethleham.  Don't believe me?  It's true!!

The song I learned this from is called, The First Nowell.  You can even find it here online:  The First Nowell which is where the newspaper got it.  It's odd singing a Christmas song talking about the lack of water resources in Bethleham but I guess it makes us appreciate the difficulties Mary and Joseph faced a little bit more this holiday season.

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