Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Yes. This is how I feel every year about this time!

There is nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child.  ---Erma Bombeck

I love the build up to Christmas up to the point where I go to bed on Christmas Eve but the next day, the realization hits me that it's all over.  The carols, the lights, the message of the Savior and his love for use centered around his birth, the food, watching Christmas movies with family, and the time spent with loved ones comes to a screeching halt on that day. While we can still do some of the activities we did during the Christmas season such as thinking about the Savior it won't be the same again until just after Thanksgiving next year.  Sometimes, like Elmo from Sesame Street, I wish we could experience the Christmas season every day.  Winter seems a little colder, a little more bleak without all the trappings of the Christmas season.

1 comment:

Machaela said...

did he just steal his kids toys